About Our Services
Infants & Young Children of West Central Florida
University of South Florida
Training & Information Calendar
Donations and Sponsors
Regan C. White Memorial Foundation
Director Family Support
Hillsborough County
Polk County
Contacts & Links
Hillsborough County

Early Steps is a community-based program. It depends on input from parents and community members. Early Steps works with IYC Provider Network and the Early Childhood Council.
The Mission Statement of the Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County, Inc. The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County (ECC), Inc. seeks to assure a comprehensive continuum of services to all children under 8 and their families in Hillsborough County, specifically those children who need specialized educational, medical, or social services. The Council promotes effective utilization of personnel and resources so that each child and family is identified and receives services in a timely fashion. The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County meets the second Thursday of each month. ECC has more than 41 agency members and is very active in education and advocacy efforts. The Council is the lead partner in planning and implementing an annual statewide early intervention conference. The Council is also the inspiration and developer of the community wide free developmental screening program. Please call Milly Bucy, ECC Chairperson for more information at 813-837-7777.
For Information on Services Available in Hillsborough County, Please Contact:
Infants and Children of West Central Florida: 813-375-3980 x21
Central Directory of Early Childhood Services: Toll Free 1-866-217-0018
The USF – Early Steps Office in Tampa:
Early Steps is for children birth to three years. For children three to five years old please call FDLRS/Child Find with Hillsborough County Schools at 813-837-7777.
Other Services/Contacts: |
Free Developmental Screenings for children birth to five years: 813-837-7777 ChildCare: 813-744-8941 Early Childhood Council: 813-837-7777 Headstart: 813-272-5140 Care Options: 813-837-7777 Pre-K Exceptional Student Services: 813-744-8941 Children’s Medical Services Referral Center: 813-396-9633 ACHA – Medicaid: 813-871-7600 x107 |
For Hillsborough County Family Resource Specialist Info, click link below: