Infants & Young Children of West Central Florida

Infants and Young Children of
West Central Florida, Inc. (IYC)

Infants and Young Children of West Central Florida, Inc. (IYC) is a community owned non-profit corporation serving children with special needs, birth to 5 years, and their families.  Florida counties served are Hillsborough & Polk.IYC is a contract program of the Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps Program. IYC is affiliated with the University of South Florida, Early Steps Program.  This 501(c)(3) non-profit is operated under the direction of an independent Board of Directors.

Bay Area Early Steps Seeks
Bilingual (English/Spanish) Providers

With Bachelor’s Degrees To Work With Families of Children, 0 – 3 Years, With Developmental Concerns  In Polk County CALL: Pat at (813-375-3980, ext. 26) Or FAX Resume to: Attn. Pat to (813-375-3984)  Or E-mail to: [email protected]

Calling all families in the Bay Area who have young children with Prader-Willi syndrome. Bethany Cheney has agreed to assist us in setting up a local information and support network just for you! This might mean one-to-one support, creating a group, planning workshop sessions pertinent to your child, or just getting together to network on things that work best for your children. To get in on the ground floor and to work with Bethany to get this going, please contact her via e-mail at [email protected]
Prader-Willi-Syndrome Brochure (click to view and print)


Provider Network
IYC enrolls, trains, and certifies providers to serve children birth to three and their families for the Part C, Infants, and Toddlers Early Steps Program.  IYC provides technical assistance and support to Part C cooperating child care centers that serve young children with developmental conditions.
Fiscal Agent
IYC is the fiscal agent for provider services and reimburses providers for developmental services that are not covered by insurance or Medicaid.

Family Support Services
Family Resource Specialists (FRS) provide individual and group support for families, conduct trainings, and provide outreach to expand needed support in the community.

Community Education
IYC provides a training calendar and early intervention updates and speakers, for conferences, workshops, and classes. IYC provides courses for the Infant Toddler Development Specialist Certificate through an affiliation with USF.

Central Directory for Early Childhood Services
IYC operates the resource and referral hotline for the region Part C. Toll Free: 1-866-217-0018. Our systems links to Hillsborough’s 2-1-1 system.

Community Plan

Coordinates the development and implementation of a community plan for early intervention services for eligible infants and toddlers.

IYC expands funding for services through grant writing and fundraising activities of the Board.

Lending LibrariesIYC collaborates with community agencies to provide adaptiveequipment and toys to lending libraries for agencies who serve young children and also operates a local Part C lending library.

Annual Early Intervention State Conference
IYC collaborates with community partners in planning and implementing an annual conference for providers and families to promote best practices in early childhood.

1308 West Sligh Avenue
Tampa, Florida  33604

Mailing Address:
1308 West Sligh Avenue
Tampa, Florida  33604

Phone:  813-375-3980  Fax:  813-375-3984

For More Information about Infants & Young Children, Inc. contact Pat Grosz, RN, PhD, Executive Director at 813-375-3980 x26 pr email [email protected]